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RE: Racing Sims w/Healeys

To: "Greg Wilkinson" <gregwilkinson@adelphia.net>,
Subject: RE: Racing Sims w/Healeys
From: "William Moyer" <William.Moyer@millersville.edu>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 09:25:12 -0500
In your Accessories list for XP ( click Start, then Accessories) you'll
see  Program Compatibility Wizard.  Cllick on it and follow the
directions.  What it does is emulate earlier versions of Windows (2000,
98, etc) in the hopes that one of the emulations will allow you to run a
program.  I don't know if it works with on-line games or not as I
haven't tried any of those, but it sometimes works with my old Sierra
games from the 90's and others.  

Good Luck,

Bill Moyer, BJ7

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