I'm reluctantly getting ready to put my BT7 up for the winter. Here in RI it
gets down to -5 f sometimes. --And I've been running the car on pure water,
water-wetter, and no antifreeze.
-Any recommendations on the type or brand of antifreeze to use or not to use?
-Also, just for expediency's sake, can anyone give me the quantity needed to
give the proper protection in a 6 cylinder car? --My intent is to drain
enough water/wetter to make room to add the antifreeze, then run it long
enough to get it mixed, before putting it up for the winter. --So I really
won't be driving the car with the antifreeze in it.
Is one any better than another for rust inhibition, etc?
David W. Jones
'62 Mk II BT7 tricarb
Cumberland, RI USA