Sounds like an adventure. If it made a shakedown run like that
(pardon the pun) with no complaint other than a little scuttle shake,
it sounds like you got a good one.
Drive it over to Hendrix Wire Wheel in Greensboro, NC and they will
balance the drums and true the wires. It should fix the shake.
On 10/31/05, Ned Smith <> wrote:
> I arrived safely in Wildwood, GA from Portland ME. yesterday. The car held
> up better than I did. What a grueling experience. Four days of 70 MPH
> driving in an unfamiliar car just waiting for the oil pressure to suddenly
> drop. But everything held together. There was a lot of shake at 65 though. I
> understand that that can be corrected by proper balancing of the wheels.
Patton Dickson - '57 A-H 100-Six
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