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Re: lightened flywheel

To: Laurie Wilford <healeymk3@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: lightened flywheel
From: Blue One Hundred <healey.nut@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:39:42 +0800
Laurie -
 If the problem is with the flywheel, why don't you just have your BN1
flywheel lightened and repegged to take the BJ8 diaphram clutch. The BN1
gearbox & bell housing are different to all other healeys.
 Just be careful about measuring up all the release bearing stuff to make
sure it will still work on the BN1.
 The BJ8 flywheel will work with a BN2 because the BN2 has (basically) the
same gearbox as all the six cylinder healeys, so a six cylinder flywheel
should pose no clearance problems with BN2s.
 '53 BN1 '64 BJ8

 On 9/23/05, Laurie Wilford <healeymk3@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I planned on using a lightened BJ8 flywheel and diaphram pressure plate
> on my BN1. When I attempted to bolt the 3 speed bell housing on with this
> set-up, the flywheel proved too large. It hung up on the bell housing. I
> was
> told this would work with a BN2 but not a BN1. Did I miss something?
> Laurie Wilford
> BJ8, BT7, BN1

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