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Re: Improvements- Fuel Pump

To: "Peter Svilans" <peter.svilans@rogers.com>, <Healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Improvements- Fuel Pump
From: "Greg Lemon" <glemon@neb.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:54:36 -0500
Pter, while I don't necessarily disagree with your sentiments,  I am amazed
that you can hear the pump when the car is running, and even more so on the
road.  Any reminder of the pump goes away for me when I hit the starter

Also, I had a facet type square pump on a Sprite I had,  it ticked much like
an SU pump, but didn't shut off when the float bowls were filled.

Greg Lemon
54 BN1

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