Watch out for those messages that you think are from EBay, confirming that
you have something for sale that you do not.
Its just a way people are using to get your passwords.
I fell victim to this myself, If you click on the link provided in the Fake
EBAy Email you will be brought to a page that looks identical to a Ebay
login screen and if you are like me, in a habit of typing in your password
to quick to think about it, your password will be stolen! This webpage is
not part of Ebay, its a site that the scammer has and it will grab your
username password and then they can do with it whatever they want.
If you fall victim to this, change your password ASAP.
I think the only way to know if you are actually on a real Ebay page is to
look in the address bar. I think the security section on Ebay has a lot more
details on this. Don't depend on what the link is saying in the message
window. That can be masking a fake address underneath