It is 5" from centerline of the car to center of first hole which is 3/4" in
from the rear edge. The center of the second hole is approx. 5/8" in from
the rear edge (so that a line between the 2 holes is parallel to the back of
the boot).
Richard Bittmann BJ7 Tacoma
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 1:58 PM
Subject: Spare Tire Strap Chrome Staple
> Can anyone tell me the location of the chrome staple that holds down the
> spare
> tire strap to the trunk floor? My trunk floor's been replaced, so there's
> no
> holes to give me a clue. A general location would help, but measurements
> from
> the centerline and the edge of the shroud attachment point would be
> invaluable.
> I did a search in the Archives for chrome staple, footman's loop, spare
> tire
> strap, etc., and could find nothing except others asking this same
> question.
> Thanks,
> Mick Vander Ploeg
> '57 BN4