if everyone can agree that i have done a proper penance for my misdeed, i
would like to rejoin the list and pass on some of my observations and beg for
a little help. i haved just got back from a 2000 mile round trip to oregon
where i attended the rendevous. i drove the healey hard and made excellent
time, sometimes travelling over a couple of hours at 3500-4000 rpm. i
experienced zero problems. not one thing went wrong. maybe it is because i
use my car every day, but it just kept on trucking along. did not burn or
throw oil. if the wind noise had not been so bad i might have even drove
faster, but i believe a well maintained healey can take off for anywhere. i
have also towed the healey 800 miles on four wheels and did not disconnect the
drive line. that was over a year ago and so far no adverse effects. what i
need help on is this. i had the distributor rebuilt before this summer and
readjusted timing, carbs, etc., i now have a dieseling problem i did not have
before. this occurs intermittently and can go on for up to 20 seconds or so.
it is not related to type or brand of gas, how long it has been driven, heat
of the engine or air temperature, type of driving, phase of the moon or the
age of aquarius. i cannot figure it out. i have checked for air leaks and
checked all settings. any help will be appreciated. healeymanjim