The good news is that you don't need to disassemble the trafficator switch.
You loosen the olive/nut at the steering box (and set screws on the wheel).
Disconnect the wires, and slid the whole thing out.
> From: Ronald J Huseman <>
> Date: 2005/07/06 Wed PM 03:11:00 EDT
> To:
> Subject: Trafficator
> Healey Friends,
> I have read with interest the recent discussions around the restoral of the
Trafficator. I was thoroughly intimidated at hearing of some of the problems
that can arise from the dismantling of the assembly.
> As I approach the day when I will have to remove the steering wheel,
column and related hardware from my BJ7, I have been looking through past
archives for a message that tells me how to disassemble the steering column/
trafficator. While many are informative, I have not found one that explains the
very first things you must do in order to get the horn/turn signal lever
removed safely.(Once I get the trafficator safely off, I think I can handle
removing the wheel, column and sterring box with linkage.)
> Can someone either tell me how to go about the initial disassembly/
removal of the trafficator or recover for me one of the messages that gives
me a brief explanation of how to get the trafficator off?