Hello Ron,
I had the same problem when I did my MGA 10 yrs back.
To use the Moss material I received you needed
lubricant but it's still a pain especially when you
finish trim it. As I recall it was a closed cell
neoprene and the trimmed edges looked like crap. I
ended up shoving it below the frame with putty knife
and then caulking to cover it from view.
When I redid the glass in my '66 Landrover 5 yrs ago,
I found a well established (old time) auto glass shop
for material. The guy gave me a very thin rubber tape
that worked great. After I got everything together I
caulked a micro sized bead of black sealant at the
glass interface. Still water tight and looks correct
unless you inspect with a magnifier.
Joe M
'60 BT project
......When I disassembled my windshild to re-chrome
the frame I found a very thin gasket around the edge
with some thicker spacors between the ends and the
frame to keep it centered. When I ordered a new
rubber gasket from Moss I got one that was
signifficently thicker.......new one folded over the
glass there is no way it will fit into the frame. Are
there different sizes or thicknesses for these rubber
bands that cushion the glass in the frame and if so,
where might I get a proper size one for my 61BN7. As
always, thanks for any help.
Ron Fine
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