Keith and Jerry,
With regards to loss of control, let me say that it would be unlikely
that the current Concours Committee would lose control of the standard.
The plain fact is that the Guidelines are _its_ standard, and no one
else's. The Committee writes and publishes that standard, and only those
cars that meet that standard are awarded certificates from the
Committee. No one but the Committee can change that standard, whether or
not the standard is published electronically or otherwise.
Let's look at the issue of control another way.
What would stop any group or organization from publishing their own
Standards for the Austin Healey and judging and awarding certificates
based on those standards? As far as I can tell, the current Concours
Committee is a separate entity from any club and completely independent.
If a "competing" group were to emerge and become more widely accepted,
there is little the current Committee could do.
Why wouldn't this happen? I would think the Healey community would be
hard pressed to find the combination of Healey knowledge, continued
effort and dedication that is currently found on the Committee to make a
second Concours organization.
But if I'm wrong, does it matter? There are several international Healey
clubs, independent regional clubs and all manner of clubs that are made
up of different British marques, each with its own character and
collection dedicated individuals. Many Healey owners are concurrent
members of many of these clubs. I think the same could apply to a car as
well, being judged and awarded certificates from several standards
committees. Has the presence of all these "competing" clubs hurt or
helped the Healey marque? Probably helped. Would the presence of two or
more Austin Healey Standards organizations hurt or help? Without a track
record, it's hard to predict, but I think it would help.
On Sat, 2005-05-21 at 13:02, Keith Turk wrote:
> But the committee might loose control of the information... (Toto...Toto...
> it's a twister it's a twister )
> What expenses do the concours committee have?
> and what do our dues to the club do anyway?
> Get over it and publish the things if you really want to preserve the
> marque...
> Keith Turk...
> ( why yes I'd read them... and might even follow a few... but not if it made
> my car look like a hunk of junk )