Hi David,
The key to lubrication of the splined hubs is that you don't.
You lubricate the WHEEL splines and the spinner thread; and you only lightly
lubricate (only just a very very light smear) the tapered faces (hub &
matching face of the wheel; and spinner tapered face and matching wheel
outer tapered face) - but NOT the splines on the hub.
Try it yourself. Start with a dry ungreased spline hub, and a dry ungreased
splined wheel. Now - smear grease in the hub splines, and then put the
wheel on the hub. Now remove the wheel - and look where all the grease is
.... packed at the back of the wheel, all over/ up against the hub tapered
face. that grease is now just waiting to get hot enough so it can spray out
all over your newly pained brake drums - or worse - all over your front disc
brake rotors.
Whereas - if you grease the wheel splines (i.e. in the wheel) - the action
of pushing the wheel onto the hub moves any excess grease towards the
spinner thread end of the hub - where you can easily remove any excess if
you want.
This method prevents over greasing the tapered face - which is what is
actually holding the wheel on. - and stops getting grease & crud over your
Do it once a year with high temp grease..
Also, what if any lubricant
> do you use on the splines? -I am assuming no lube of any kind on the
> spinner
> thread... I have a little white lithium on them now.