a guy in our club has a phase 1 bj8 that has two problems. he had the tach
and speedo rebuilt in portland and the speedo reads low. he did not send in
any kind of info about the tire rotation and cable turns, so it could just be
calibration. the tach is more serious. he had it put in by a shop here in
vegas that works primarily on german cars(i see a problem already). the wire
goes from coil to tach to ignition. i am not sure they put a loop in the wire
behind the tach, but whatever they did causes the tach to be inop. they then
ran wire direct to the tach from the coil, but it causes the car to stop. the
technician thinks there is a short somewhere in the wiring harness. anyone
have any ideas i can pass on to help fix either problems. tia, healeymanjim