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RE: Gmail

To: "Healey List" <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Gmail
From: "Greg Wilkinson" <gregwilkinson@adelphia.net>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 23:09:25 -0800
I'm not saying that gmail is a bad thing, but I don't understand the hoopla.
It wouldn't surprise me if  most people have many times more available
storage on their computers than what gmail supplies. (I have 80 Gig avail) I
set up Outlook (not express) so anything from the list automatically goes
into a folder marked "Healey Stuff". Any hard drive search will be faster
than an internet connection short of a T3 line. I guess in computer years
I'm old school.

Best Wishes,

-----Original Message-----

The best thing about GMail is that you have enough space to never delete any
list messages.  I lets you have you own archives that are eaiser to search
than mark's

I have 50 invites as well, I think they are about to open it up completely.


------- Original Message -------
From: John Miller <healeys@n4vu.com>
To: list healey <Healeys@autox.team.net>
Sent: 2/25/05, 11:30:06 AM
Subject: Re: Gmail

Blue One Hundred wrote:
> Although GMAIL is not technically available to the general public just
> yet, if you go to www.gmail.com and sign up to receive information on
> GMAIL, you will likely receive an invitation to set up an account
> sometime soon.

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