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Re: "the Green Helmet" movie

To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: "the Green Helmet" movie
From: Mogfrog1@aol.com
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 10:35:24 EST
Rudy, Rick and All. Because of a mention of this movie some time ago, I had  
been searching to find a copy. A few months ago Turner ran it which I was 
lucky  enough to Tivo it. Unfortunately Turner is a weak channel on my cable so 
the  copy is pretty grainy, which is why I am looking for the movie on VHS if 
 was ever released. If this is not available then I will try again to tape  
it from cable or satellite. As mentioned, there is some quick shots of a few of 
 the 1960 Works Big Healeys at the 1960 Sebring 12 hours. Quite a good bit of 
the  1960 Sebring race actually. My interest is also in the footage of the  
1960 Works Twin Cam MGAs. BTW, all of the '60 Sebring Works Healeys and MGA 
Twin  Cams were BRG but pretty much look black in the movie too.
Thanks for your comments.
John Wright

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