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Re: Heritage carpet installation

To: "Sam Marble" <samncyna@comcast.net>, "healeys"
Subject: Re: Heritage carpet installation
From: "Rich C" <richchrysler@quickclic.net>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 12:54:28 -0500
Hi Sam,
1.Yes the carpets under the seats should be slotted to allow removal when 
wet. Usually Heritage does not cut the slots but they usually have thin 
chalk indications where the cuts would be placed. Double check these before 
doing any cutting.
2. Cannot say for sure but I believe there should be male snaps, or at least 
the holes remaining for the snap screws in the fixed tunnel portion. Look in 
the area about 2" from the back and 2" up from the floor.
3. For gluing to the gearbox cover, you're on your own. As for the flat 
floor areas, the jutelike material should first of all be only about 1/4" 
thick. I've had god luck with carefully delaminating the stuff Heritage 
sends in half because it's much too thick (about 1/2" thk) I've spoken to 
Dave at Heritage re this and they're attempting to find a correct thickness 
Anyway as for the floor areas the jute should lay on top of your material 
and the screws for the male carpet snaps will locate on top of and lock it 
into place.
Rich Chrysler

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sam Marble" <samncyna@comcast.net>
To: "healeys" <healeys@Autox.Team.Net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 11:29 AM
Subject: Heritage carpet installation

> Listers:
> I'm finally getting around to installing the Heritage carpet kit in my
> BN4. Like all of Heritage's products the quality is great. I've gotten
> the digital photo's from Heritage on their installation process and
> gotten a copy of Rich Chrysler's intructions for installing carpet in
> a BT7 (Our BN4 is a late Abington car so shoud be virtually the same).
> I've got a couple of questions before getting into this.
> 1. Should the carpet for the rear floor (under the seats)
> be cut (slotted) to install around the seat rails ? The pieces in the
> kit have not been but I'm thinking you should be able to remove then
> in case the get wet.
> 2. Rich's instructions indicate that a side shift BT7 should have 4
> snaps for the transmission tunnel carpet on each side. My removable
> tunnel (original to the car) has 2 on each side. The rear , permanent,
> tunnel has no indication of ever having snaps installed. Should a late
> BN4 have the same 4 snaps on each side as in Rich's BT7 instructions ?
> 3. I'm using a high tech insulation material in place of the tarpaper
> that originally covered the floors. The material is called Kool Mat
> and is a dense silicon rubber bonded to a fiberglass cloth about 1/8
> inch thick. Installing this doesn't seem to be a problem but my
> question is how to glue the jute in the footwell and front
> transmission cover to it. Seems like the normal contact cements and
> spray adhesives might not stick to the silicon rubber srface. Anyone
> have experience with something like this ?
> Sam, BN4

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