We'll the engine will be back in by the time I get here, but it will
be stripped to the block, and the fenders will still be off.
Hopefully that will make it a little easier.
Thanks for the discription of the origianals. I was looking at the
temperature range of the aircraft quality ducts, and didn't connect
that didn't translate to insulating.
FWIW I was looking at
this http://www.aircraftspruce.com/menus/ap/ducting.html
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 00:21:39 -0500, Rich C <richchrysler@quickclic.net> wrote:
> Patton,
> The original type air ducts are a sandwiched assembly of paper, heavy foil
> and paper to insulate the air moving through the duct from the surrounding
> heat of the engine bay. There are many types of air duct and most won't
> insulate. Never mind about the email stories of difficult installation. Just
> buy a set of the correct ones and use them!
> As far as I know all the original clamps are the double wire type.
> If you fit the ducts into place before the engine goes back in, the job is
> not all that difficult. In addition, leave the blower assembly loose until
> you have the ducts clamped on, then anchor the blower assembly to the inner
> right wing last.
> Rich Chrysler
Patton Dickson - Richmond, TX
'57 A-H 100-Six - http://Austin-Healeys.com