Why? Why? Why? Why didn't it dawn on me that I could
test mount the bellhousing without the trans attached
to work out all the clearance issues! EARL thank you
for your suggestion - up until now I was making
adjustments and reassembling the entire car before I
knew if they were successful. You are a genius.
Steve - If you are reading this you may want to add it
to your Smitty Tips web site.
Thanks again Earl,
Dean BN7
--- E KAGNA <kags@shaw.ca> wrote:
> Dean:
> ".....If you have to take it out again, here's what
> recommend: Unbolt the Smitty bellhouse from the
> gearbox and temporarily bolt it alone to the engine
> rear plate with all of the clutch components in
> place, including the slave cyl. bolted up and
> woking....."
> Cheers, ----------- Earl Kagna
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