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Re: Cleanup

To: davidwjones <davidwjones@cox.net>
Subject: Re: Cleanup
From: Bill Rister <brister@houston.rr.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 06:40:29 -0600
Yes,  70% - 90% rubbing alcolhol is flammable.  And it does have a flame 
which is light blue and hard to immediately spot.  And it should be used 
in a ventilated area, as should all solvents.   If you read the label 
closely their is usually a few-word warning.   However I've never 
experienced an alcohol massage or bath in the hospital wherein a nurse 
stood by with a fire extinguisher.  A little common sense is expected of 
anyone working on a motor vehicle or anything else in a shop or garage.

davidwjones wrote:

>I don't know how well it cleans, but the other thing to remember is that
>rubbing alcohol is highly flammable, -and the flames are hard to see,
>especially in a well lit area. I would not want it in a parts washer or near
>anything else with electric motors...
>David W. Jones
>'62 Mk II BT7 tricarb
>Cumberland, RI USA

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