My employer does lots of plating, everyday, I would propose that there is no
substitute for Chrome plating.
This answer may depend on your expectation, level of observation prowess,
and level you want to maintain a classic car to.
If you don't mind how it looks, do what ever you'd like, it is your car.
If you can't tell the difference, then do it, it is your car.
If you don't mind that it's not the original appearance, than do it, it is
your car.
Having said all of that, you see less and less chrome on cars today, the
chrome on our cars is awesome, I'd keep it.
The day will come, most likely in our lifetime that you cannot get chrome.
It's byproducts will be legislated out of existance. So, I'd get it while
you can. There used to be little plating shops everywhere, now they are all
If you were to sell your car later, observing non chromed parts that are
supposed to be chrome, would make me value the car at a much lower level.
I'm also not a huge fan of powder coating, it is not the magic elixir that
everyone thinks. At the end of the day, it is only as good as the prep and
the surface it is put on, and the environment it lives in. A minor scratch
here, some silicone residue there, and you have a coating "sheet" that is just
itching for an excuse to leave the substrate. You can see evidence of this
everyday if you look at trailer hitches on trucks, most are powder coated,
and most only last a few years. Once the rust gets under it, it starts to
come off.
Good luck with your decision,
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