Roger Moment, who has been away from this list due to press of other work,
asked me to tell the group that he is selling a replica Derrington steering
wheel that he had made for his 100. Turns out that after he went to a great
of trouble and expense to get it made to exactly match an original -- 16 inch
diameter, correct carved and polished finger grips, right number of rivets,
right style of wood, etc., he discovered that the version he was replicating
wasn't available at the time his car was manufactured, so he is now having
one made (wrong number of rivets, or wrong number of layers of wood, or some
such glaring error!). The cost will be about $350 for this lovely hand-made
piece, not including the hub--though a Motolita hub will fit it just fine. I'll
be happy to send pictures to anyone who is interested.
Gary Anderson
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