Also be sure to do the test properly.
Make sure that the engine is in _one_ steady state for the test. So,
warm up the engine to full operating temperature (say 15 minutes of
driving, to make sure _everything_ is at temp) and do a test at full
throttle (slightly uphill, for a mile or so), let up on the throttle,
turn off the ignition at speed and come to a stop with the engine off.
Immediately read the plugs. Repeat at mid-throttle.
Also, from what I have read, it is very difficult to read old plugs, so
to do this right, the reading should be done on a new set of plugs.
John P. New
London, Ontario, Canada
67 BJ8
On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 11:22, davidwjones wrote:
> Hey Doc,
> I would prescribe another test. Provided plug #3 also looks OK.. My diagnosis
> would be that the carb for #'s 4, 5, 6 is a tad rich. (how long since the
> carbs were tuned?). If there are no drivability symptoms, it is probably a
> minor adjustment. I'd lean out the rear carb one "flat" at a time, until the
> patient shows signs of improvement. -Being sure not to make it too lean...!
> Take one carb adjustment, and call me in the morning...
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