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Re: Need Battery Recommendation

To: "Roland Wilhelmy" <rwil@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: Need Battery Recommendation
From: "Bob Spidell" <bspidell@pacbell.net>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 21:22:46 -0700

Got a lot of great replies ... appreciate them all.  Needed to replace
quickly, so went with one from the local parts house that's been good
to me; "Advantage" brand.  Considered the Optima, but @ $129 I could
get two "standard" batteries for the price of one!  Judging by the warranty
they (Optima) don't last any longer than conventional wet cell.  Would've like 
to have gotten an Interstate, but would have had to hunt around a little (none 
of the local outfits that I usually deal with have that brand).

Only thing I don't like about the avantage is it's "Maintenance Free."  I feel
better when I can see the acid level myself ... may pop the top anyway.


Bob Spidell         San Jose, CA        bspidell@pacbell.net
'67 Austin-Healey 3000             '56 Austin-Healey 100M

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