Well, after multiple redesigns and much bleary-eyed reading of part
numbers, I am almost ready to send out a test version of the BJ7/BJ8
Parts List on CD-ROM, so I am asking for volunteers to help me test and
proof-read the Parts List.
I would like people in two groups:
1) Those who are not technically oriented, but would like to help proof
read and generally test the program. This group would not need a high
level of computer knowledge; if you are on this mailing list, you have
enough computer experience to help.
2) Those who are technically oriented, with experience in Web design,
computers, and the like. This group should have access to multiple
browsers and/or multiple OS's, and would comment on my site design and
help with debugging scripts in various browsers.
I would want all testers to take a chunk of the Parts List and proof
read the electronic version compared to the original. I have gone
through it once, but after entering and proofing over 7 thousand (yes,
that's _thousand_) lines of parts entries, I don't trust myself anymore.
As a thank-you for volunteering, you will receive a copy of the finished
product on CD-ROM.
I would probably be able to mail out the package containing the test
CD-ROM and a copy of the Parts List pages for proofing in two or three
weeks; I would hope you could send back the package in a week or two
after you receive it. I should think we would only do the proof reading
once, but possibly do two tests of the CD-ROM.
If you would like to help, let me know off-list.
John P. New
London, Ontario, Canada
'67 BJ8