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Re: Healey Ain't No "Girly-Men's" Car

To: "Blue One Hundred" <international_investor@yahoo.com>,
Subject: Re: Healey Ain't No "Girly-Men's" Car
From: "Keith Turk" <kturk@ala.net>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 03:18:46 -0500
What fun....

Cheetah.... MANLY CAR...

The Handsome Brute.... MANLY car...

Shelby anything... ( except that 80's thing ) MANLY car...

Anything in a Mustang... Girly car ( if it's got less then a V8)

Bonneville Salt flats cars.... hmmm  I've always called the Camaro a Girly
car... ( mostly sarcastic )... and my wife did win the east coast points
championship last year ).... the Berkeley.... well she's driving it first
this year.... it's her Turn.... but it's always going to be a World record
holder and one WICKED ASS manly car....

Once your behind the wheel.... Genders are just stuff... the steering wheel
is clueless of your anatomy.... it's equally unforgiving of incompetence


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