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RE: Hot Problem

To: "'Neil McDonald'" <nimcdonald@shaw.ca>,
Subject: RE: Hot Problem
From: "Don Anglesey" <Don@anglesey.us>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 19:46:45 -0700
I can tell you for a fact that running with out the heat shield will
cause all types of problems.  When I upgraded to the 6 port head I
didn't install a heat shield and as soon as the outside temp would get
over 90 degrees the car would do all sorts of strange things even though
the cooling system was working fine.  Once I had the heat shield
installed the vapor lock problems went away.  The shield on the 6cyl is
fairly good sized.  I know of others with the 4cyl that have upgraded to
bigger shields.

>Has anyone tried upgrading the carb heat shielding to address the

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