I travelled from Jackson to Hohenwahl, TN this morning to visit The Elephant
Sanctuary, a rescue facility for aged, abused and/or neglected elephants and
then to see the grave of Meriwether Lewis a few miles away.
Following the L & C Expedition's successful return to Missouri, Lewis wanted
to return to Philadelphia to distill his voluminous notes and records for
presentation, but feared their capture by the British should he take the
conventional Atlantic Ocean water routes. So, in 1809 he set out overland on
Natchez Trace. Though his death "by gunshot" at the Grinder Inn is shrouded in
mystery it is generally thought that Lewis suffered from manic/
depressive mood disorder and that he took his own life. In any case he is
buried there, and in light of my earlier visit in North Dakota to the
Expedition's winter, 1804 fort I thought it appropriate to bring everything
and pay my respects. For further info read Steven Ambrose's Undaunted
Frolm there I travelled north on the Natchez Trace Parkway to Nashville--the
road is every bit as nice as nice as The Blueridge Parkway but without all of
the traffic, and except for numerous southbound Harley drivers I had it all to
myself. Then it was back on the Interstate and the day carried me back into
the Eastern timezone and the soft rolling Appalachian landscape, where Kudzu
is king and glow-in-the-dark condom dispensers are predictable fixtures in gas
station restrooms (It's a southern thing...).
I'm now in Whytheville, VA and hope to be home tomorrow afternoon.