Patton -
I don't recall how the spring clutches are set up, but
usually if you have a rattle that goes away when you
depress the clutch a bit means the graphite bearing
may have come loose from the bearing mount, or
conversley the graphites bearing's mate-face piece on
the clutch housing has come off as well. I had this
happen on my BJ8 about 15 years ago.
This is what happens - as you let off the gas, the
first motion shaft has a decelerated change in
centripital force... and the little ring starts
rattling around (remember, if you are accelerating,
centripital forces are increasing and the little ring
that's broken off will "stick" to the first motion
shaft as it spins faster around and around (that's why
you don't hear rattling under accelleration or
cruising) ... but then as soon as you let off the gas,
the little ring will still retain its high inertia and
keep spinning eventhough the first motion shaft is now
going slower... causing the rattling).
Unfortunately, this means you have to take the clutch
apart and replace the clutch... you can drive it like
this for a while... but it can wear out your first
motion shaft if you wait too long... and also you
don't want the bearing or the mate-piece jamming up in
there if something goes haywire. $$$
I feel your pain!
'53 BN1 '64 BJ8
--- Patton Dickson <> wrote:
> I had the car out today and everything was pretty
> good. I had the car up to
> 70 for a while and the motor sounded nice. It ran a
> little warmer than I
> wanted it to ~195, so I will have to address that.
> The car did have fair amount of what I am assuming
> was scuttle shake
> starting just over 60. It shook off my rear tag and
> bracket :(. Also, it
> developed a rattle sound when I let off of the gas.
> If the clutch is
> depressed it goes away. Does that point to
> anything? I could easily have
> been something in the boot or the exhaust, but going
> away when the clutch
> was in seemed "significant"
> I also took the car to a local paint guy to look get
> an estimate. He has
> room for the car now, and the price is right, but it
> would be their first
> Healey. I have to make a decision this week.
> Patton
> -------------------------
> Patton Dickson - Richmond, TX
> '57 A-H 100-Six -