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Re: Computer HELP! Please

To: "Mark and kathy LaPierre" <mgtrcars@galaxyinternet.net>
Subject: Re: Computer HELP! Please
From: m.brouillette@comcast.net
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 13:52:53 +0000

       With outlook you will have a message come up every so often that asks 
you if you want to archive your old messages.  If you said yes by mistake, you 
could have possibly moved the folder to the archived folder, so check there.  

You also might have moved the folder by mistake by dragging the folder name on 
top of another.  Look at folders that have a little + next to it.  That will 
let you know that there is a sub-folder underneath.

I hope this helps,
Mike Brouillette
59 BT7
> Listers,
>     This is a first for me and I am next to panic.   I lost my "Healey
> Folder" in Outlook express.   I tried to down load mail and switch folders
> at the same time and a notice came up stating that it performed an illegal
> operation and will close.  I closed that window and went to open "Healey
> Folder" and the folder is there but no emails, its empty.   Where do 20,000
> emails just vanish to.
>     I will leave my "puter" on in hopes that they're still in there
> somewhere and can be retrieved.
>     Can someone assist in retrieving these.  I would reboot but I'm afraid
> that might lose them all together.
>     I may have been knocked off the list all together and this message may
> not even go out.  Well here goes.
> Thanks Mark,

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