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Re: Sample Rate Failure! Every time!

To: Todd Green <>,
Subject: Re: Sample Rate Failure! Every time!
From: Brian Kennedy <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 14:16:17 -0600
At 12:14 PM 2/28/2003, Todd Green wrote:
>Have you tested other serial apps to make sure you don't have an problem
>with the palm itself?

No.  Obviously I connect to the PC via the port, but that Palm is
only used for Geez.

>   Do you have anyone else in your area so that you
>can put your cube on their palm and/or their cube on your palm?

I own 2 other Palms... so, I'll try it with my Vx.

>What are you battery levels like in the palm and the cube?


>  Have you
>tested the serial cable to another device? etc.

Well, I have in the past... I've done lots of sync'ing with
that cable over the years.

>I think I remember Byron also saying that CASL gets unhappy about
>allocating memory if your Palm's memory is near full.  How much free
>space do you have left?  Do you have any hacks loaded?

I may still have some hacks loaded, but its mostly very empty...
its a dedicated Geez device now... my Vx is my normal Palm with
all my goodies and such.

Thanks for the suggestions,


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