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Re: GEEZ!, Equal cars and Drivers

To: Engstrom <>
Subject: Re: GEEZ!, Equal cars and Drivers
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 09:59:02 -0700
Well, yeah, John, mostly I agree and standby that
sentiment.  For most of us, using 100% levels based on
Sustained G's will yield more useful information.  I only
suggest going to Absolute Peaks when you start to score so
high that Sustained Peaks aren't giving you the learning
info that you need.  

Maybe soon we'll all need Absolute Peaks!

The second factor is that the M3 has the suspension of a
jelly donut.  Okay, it's a really sophisticated, incredibly
well-handling jelly donut.  But it's a jelly donut
nonetheless.  So if the parking lot is smooth enough, the
driver is adept enough, the jelly donut will absorb your
minor surface variations and bumps and hide a lot of the
little warts that might otherwise exist if you were driving
a "real car", like say, a Corvette for instance.  

(Whew, was that too politically correct?)

So to drive a softly sprung jelly donut vehicle well enough
to need to use Absolute Peaks takes one heckuva lotta
talent.  And it's even tougher with a stiffly sprung sports


Engstrom wrote:
> Byron wrote:
> > Eliminating the Sustain entirely, by selecting "100% Levels
> > are based on Absolute Peaks" (or by setting the Sustain
> > Duration to 0.1 second) gives even more detail.
> Byron,
> I was under the impression that selecting "100% Levels
> are based on Absolute Peaks" would cause too many
> problems.  I'm guessing that most of us don't have glass
> smooth lots to run on.  Rough/undulating surfaces can
> cause peaks that you don't want to use to compare the
> rest of your run to.  For example, a bump can load up
> the suspension and cause an unusually high peak G
> reading, right?
> In practice have you found the "100% Levels are based
> on Absolute Peaks" to not cause much of a problem due
> to rough or hilly surfaces?
> John Engstrom
> p.s.  Just got back from an event today where I did really
> well - but I forgot to hookup my Geez Cube.  Now I wish
> I had the data to see what I did right today.  Don't make
> the same mistake I did - friends don't let friends forget
> to use Geez.

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