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Tire testing procedures

To: Geez list <>
Subject: Tire testing procedures
From: Jeff Cashmore <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 11:22:37 -0600
With all the technical knowledge found on the Geez! list, I figure it's
the best place to ask these questions.  Grassroots Motorsports keeps
ignoring my requests (sigh) <g> to do a new DOT R series tire test so
I'm looking for input on using Geez to help with my own testing since
I've never done anything like this before.

FWIW, I've heard all sorts of rumors regarding tires changing for 2000.
That the Hoosier R3S03 compound is harder to last longer for endurance
racing.  That it hasn't changed but the A3S03 has.  That the G-Force R1
will have 4/32nd of tread this year so it lasts longer.  That it will
have less steel in the belt package and therefore be more compliant and
less sudden in it's characteristics at the limit.  That Kumho is coming
out with a new tire called the X-something (X-ta?).  So far it's a lot
of talk, nothing confirmed.  Even if they do tweak things, who knows if
you'll get new tires or old stock when ordering.

At my disposal I have an assistant, a FWD stock class car, a large
asphalt lot (owner approves), approx 40 cones, stopwatch, air
tank/pressure gauge, tire pyrometer, Geez!/laptop setup and multiple
sets of rims for the different tire brands.  My first idea was to set up
a skid pad to try and measure max lateral grip.  How large should the
circle be?  100 ft diameter?  Do I run the car up to and slightly beyond
it's friction envelope then back off a bit, (3 laps max so the motor
doesn't starve for oil?) stop measure tire temps and then do it again in
the reverse direction?   Then, measure tire pressures and try it +/- 5
lbs?  (I'm mostly concerned with how the front tires are doing)  Then
mount up the next set and repeat the procedure?

Other than that, I'm looking for suggestions.  I'd like to do a U-turn
or slalom test but I'm afraid the stopwatch wouldn't be accurate
enough.  It would still be good for a subjective feel though.  Perhaps I
could setup a course similar to what GRM did for their plus-size tire
testing in the Jan/Feb 99 issue.

Are there any Geez! options that should be changed?  Data based on
absolute as opposed to sustained peaks?  Raw unadjusted data?

Any input would be appreciated.


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