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Which Palm?

Subject: Which Palm?
From: "David Shreve" <>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 18:11:46 EST
I am about to buy a palm top, and am planning to buy Geez later in the 
spring, so...with that in mind, what should I be looking for in a palm?

I really like the Windows CE units, but I know there is no GEEZ support for 
them yet.  Will it be coming soon, meaning sometime this spring?  Maybe a 
partial version of GEEZ instead of just data acquisition?

Or should I just go with a Palm III/V/VII?  After looking at them, I guess I 
would probably go with a IIIx.

I already posted this to the autox list--sorry if you've already seen it.

98 Z28 1LE

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