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Re: Deletion bug on the Palm...

To: Byron Short <>
Subject: Re: Deletion bug on the Palm...
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 10:47:16 -0400
Byron Short wrote:
> I thought I read something about HotSync restoring the files for
> you...

Which begs the question -- why don't we use hotsync for uploading the
data rather than a proprietary multi-step mechanism (during which I must
turn off the hotsync manager)?

It would seem natural to take the Palm out of the car, slap it into the
cradle and hit the magic button, as I usually do with the Palm -- then
work on the PC to select which files to work with in the Geez! software.

As it is, I have to go back and forth from Palm to PC, and it seems
awkward, especially given the very simple and natural hotsync mechanism
designed into the Palm.

I'm sure you must have considered it...  What was the reasoning behind
the implementation you selected?


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