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Re: Got some useful data

To: Byron Short <>
Subject: Re: Got some useful data
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 15:59:56 -0400
Byron Short wrote:
> You've definitely got more than your share of oddities here.  I can't
> reproduce the iconized run thingie either.
> Are you running Windows overtop something else, such as on a Mac
> emulator or something?  Or is this just straight up Windows on a PC as
> Bill intended?  You seem to have more than your fair share of
> weirdness going on.

Nope, nothing all that odd -- Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP3 (with some
patches) on a Toshiba Tecra 720CDT laptop (Pentium 133, 48 meg memory).
I'm not aware of anything funny that would cause the mouse or windows or
anything to do anything unusual.

I'm about to get a new machine for home (a desktop system -- Dell
Dimension L500, Celeron 500 MHz, 256 meg memory, NT Workstation 4.0).
It will be interesting to see if it behaves the same way as my laptop.

I seem to be able to recreate the closed-pops-open thing reliably.  I
just start the program, open up any run, iconify it by hitting the
"_" button in the upper right, then open another run.  After I select
the new run, the old one pops open, then the new run shows up on top of

I also find that Geez! seems to think my screen is taller than it
actually is, by just a hair.  I always have a vertical scrollbar on the
right, and when I "Tile" my runs, they run off the bottom slightly (I
can scroll down to see the bottom, but then I lose the buttons and
titlebar off the top).

I hope it doesn't seem like I'm picking nits.  I generally have only
used PCs for Office-like applications, and my expectations are high
because I come from the Unix workstation world where everything is
designed better and works reliably (bugs are simply not tolerated in
my world -- I can't believe Microsoft would actually release an
operating system that crashes...  That's why I use NT rather than 95
or 98.)


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