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[Healeys] Fw: Austin Healey magazine

Subject: [Healeys] Fw: Austin Healey magazine
From: tld6008 at (Tim Davis BN7)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 09:40:29 -0400 (EDT)
Thanks for your response.IMO if I am subscribing to a magazine that I will 
ultimately collect and possible refer to I need the cover to be of a heavier 
weight paper than the contents. The cover is supposed to be protecting the 
contents. The latest issue feels like one of the inserts you throw away from 
the Sunday paper.I'm sure money could be saved by not publishing the calendar 
or the membership registry. I will definitely reconsider continuing my 

Tim Davis BN7

----- Original Message -----
From: Jean Caron <vintage_roadster_restoration at>
To: Tim Davis BN7 <tld6008 at>, AH Mail List <healeys at>
Sent: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 00:37:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Fw: Austin Healey magazine

Well I would not know if it is in fact rice paper but it is indeed not as 
glossy as what the cover previously was.

Given the fact that printing cost has increased, mailing is up as well and the 
reality facing most Clubs these days, declining membership, something had to 
give. While not wanting to increase the dues, the Board of Directors were left 
with few choices and
 this was one of the least painful. When one looks at the cost of membership in 
most other areas of life from golfing to attending events etc. the membership 
dues in any car clubs is extremely reasonable.

I personally believe that membership in any Club where  a magazine is 
published, being monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly should start at around 
$110.00 a year given what is delivered to the members. With $45.00 dues, the 
Board has to sometimes make difficult
 decisions that affect the delivery of their services. 

Jean CaronHistorian AHCUSA

From: Healeys <healeys-bounces at> on behalf of Tim Davis BN7 
<tld6008 at>
Sent: April 12, 2017 12:34 AM
To: Healeys
Subject: [Healeys] Austin Healey magazine Anyone else think the latest issue is 
printed on rice paper?

Tim Davis BN7

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