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[Healeys] Starter

Subject: [Healeys] Starter
From: coudesluijs at (Oudesluys)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 16:11:59 +0200
References: <> <>
Lucas parts (starter motor, dynamo, alternator, distributor, switches 
etc.) are amongst the most rugged items in automotive history. It is 
suggested by some that they have a bad reputation because they fail on 
classic cars. This is always due to lack of maintainance. If maintained 
properly they last forever. A clean and a drop of oil in the right spot 
now and then does wonders. They are also imminently 
rebuildable/repairable. The same goes for SU carbs and pumps and most 
Smiths/Jaeger items.
I very much doubt that modern stuff will last 50+++ years and will be 
rebuildable in due course.
Kees Oudesluijs

Op 6-4-2017 om 11:00 schreef Chris Dimmock:
> Glad to hear Bob
> :-)
> Lucas has been much maligned by many people who generally don't read 
> their service manual, or actually service & maintain these serviceable 
> components.
> Lucas distributors saw Formula Junior engines rev over 9,000 rpm in 
> the era!
> But you are right Bob. Lucas starters and generators tend to degrade 
> in performance over time, rather than just outright fail.
> Best
> Chris
> Positive earth, Lucas points, all genuine Lucas BJ8
> On 6 Apr. 2017, at 12:18 pm, Bob Spidell <bspidell at 
>> I took the advice of several on the List and Forum, and had the 
>> starter for my BJ8 overhauled. I installed it and gave it a whirl; I 
>> was caught off guard at how fast the engine turned over and fired-up, 
>> and over-revved the engine for a couple seconds.  I won't say it was 
>> as fast as a geared starter, but it spun the engine plenty fast, and 
>> much faster than I recall it ever working. All this time--over 30 
>> years' ownership of this car--I just assumed that Lucas starters 
>> sounded like it was all they could do to crank with the 'rnh-rnh-rnh' 
>> sound; like the starters on most piston aircraft engines I've flown 
>> (most of these planes were seriously under-batteried).
>> Thanks to all who provided advice.   Now, I gotta get the starter on 
>> the BN2 done.
>> Bob
>> --------------------------------
>> Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA
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