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[Fot] Jerry Barker | The Road Racing Drivers Club

Subject: [Fot] Jerry Barker | The Road Racing Drivers Club
From: joealexandervintage at (Joe Alexander)
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2017 21:28:13 -0600

One of our quietly famous Kastner Cup entrants. Saw Jerry in Nevada last week. 
He confirms that he and Jan will be at the Kastner Cup. He gets "jaw dropping" 
performance out of a Herald Sedan and will be a front runner at the Cup. He is 
a Kastner Cup winner TWICE.

But you guys know all of that already. Some things just bear repeating.

But did you know that he is a member of The Road Racing Drivers Club?

Joe Alexander
645 1st Street
Jesup, IA 50648
Cell:  319.464.4711

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