It is interesting that many of us that are vintage car enthusiast
also played a participatory role in the digital revolution.
My early mid 1980s) recollection is that the auto-x and british-car
email groups had their beginning in those mid 80s. I was on a business trip
that I was able to coordinate with a local meeting of the Triumph
Travelers SCC (northern CA based) and learned about the two
lists from Teri at that meeting.
I was, at the time, President of The Vintage Triumph register.
Fellow VTR member, Bob Bownes, obtained the VTR.ORG domain
name for us.
Cheers and happy memories.
I seem to recall the email list was then hosted on
a company server by Dale (?) under the company
name of allian!aliant!com.
Bill Sohl
----- Original Message -----
From: "TeriAnn J. Wakeman" <>
To: "Triumph List" <>; "FOT" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2016 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Fot] [TR] Shining Silver
> On 4/8/16 1:13 PM, Mark J Bradakis wrote:
>> A few years back Karen and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary, our
>> Silver Anniversary as they call it.
>> And coming up in just a few days on April 11th is Team.Net's Silver
>> Anniversary. Yes, on April 11, 1991 the domain was registered and went
>> on the air. In truth, it existed before that in the form of two mailing
>> lists, british-cars and autox which were outgrowths of Usenet
>> groups. Murky history there.
> Not all that murky. I was asking questions about my newly purchased TR3
> on when I got an email from a guy named Dale (if I remember the
> name correctly). He said he was starting up a British cars email list and
> asked if I wanted to be part of the mail group.
> Dale worked at Apollo Computers and set the server up on a company
> computer. Dale owned an MGB. If memory serves his MGB lived in a narrow
> dirt earth one car garage. He eventually gave up the car because he and
> his wife could no longer comfortably sit in the vehicle. I don't remember
> where the british car mail list went after then.
> In early 1990, the Land Rover mail list (LRO) was the first to split off
> from the British car mail list. I was there art the beginning of both
> lists as twakeman@hplabs and
> TeriAnn
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