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Re: [Fot] cams and roaches and such

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Fot] cams and roaches and such
From: John Hasty <>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 23:26:19 +0000
Accept-language: en-US
Cc: "TeriAnn J. Wakeman" <>
References: <02.E7.21549.E19F6365@cdptpa-oedge03> <> <>, <F78C541B2B964CD893F7C6E0ABA75291@rileyPC>
Thread-index: AQHRFayxf+M4YevtcEKXrbvHPmPtN56JYGgB
Thread-topic: [Fot] cams and roaches and such
Watch out you guys, you're getting very close to what some of our members will 
call political commentary.  Having been called on the carpet from some of my , 
now, Midwest friends for comments on what  one of our political parties have 
done,  I advise you choose your words very carefully lest the raft fall upon 
you as well!
Sent from my iPhone

   The problem that seems mostly ignored is that of converting the
retirement trust fund assets (a collection of non tradable bonds)
worth over 2 trillion dollars into benefit checks to the beneficiaries.
Where will the money to redeem the bonds come from when we
are running huge deficits?
Did your research find answers to the solution to this problem?

art de armond

Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Fot] cams and roaches and such

In my research for the book I came to the odd conclusion that Social Security 
is doing a lot better job than I expected. Most of the popular criticism seems 
to be political posturing. My assumptions going in were almost completely 
wrong. One of the reasons I like writing about stuff I know little about.

Sent: Mon, Nov 2, 2015 3:32 am
Subject: Re: [Fot] cams and roaches and such

And I'll bet there are quite a few on this list that were born before 1935. <g> 
Randall _______________________________________________

NAW!  Me and those other FOT guys you're talking about just look that old.  Our 
sadomasochistic relationship with TRIUMPHs tends to be very wearing.

I love the way Babcock's mind works, and the eclectic way he keeps it busy.  
For sure I must read his book.

>From 1966 to 2006, when I retired, I was a Management Trustee on a billion 
>dollar Taft-Hartley Pension fund in Milwaukee.  There is an entire industry, 
>the Actuaries, that are available to guide Pension Funds and their investments 
>to keep them solvent.  The fund I served on has done a good job so far, and 
>remains solvent.  FICA (Social Security)...not so much.

'Social Security' is being used by our government to address all sorts of 
issues not related to normal retirement.  Funding has not kept up.  If they 
have and use Actuaries...they're ignoring them.

Not a pretty picture.

Bill Dentinger





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