At track today, I had to push clutch in 95% of way to be able to shift. If I
go 100% pedal sticks to floor, but pulls up really easily.
Problem started after I replaced m/c and s/c. Master is Wilwood (same as was
in car) slave is stock from Roadster Factory.
Just took clutch out, it is stock TR6 and pressure plate and contact disc
look fine. Fork is bolted to shaft and is not bent.
Do I have an adjustment problem? If I leave slave shaft slightly loose, I
can't shift easily.
Can I have the m/c shaft extended too far?
Maybe a stiffer spring on pedal to bypass problem for now?
I can drive 5 hours tomorrow and get another clutch but don't want to waste
the time since this one looks ok.
Michael T. Moore, CPA
2007 West 32nd Street
Erie, PA 16508
Phone: 814-868-4831 ext 103
Fax: 814-864-7383