appreciate all the feedback - a wealth of wisdom from this group as always.
I'd like to try gummier tires, but haven't found much out there in the 6x13
size range that is treaded and qualifies for vintage. Anyone have suggestions?
I'll also pick up a smaller front bar to experiment with.
On Jan 24, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Jason Ostrowski wrote:
Scott and I both have a similar Front Camber settings. I would suggest a
starting point of 11/2" degrees neg with zero toe. With brand new tie rod ends
(from Spit Bits). Try this first and explore different tire pressures.
Looks pretty close to mine. Except, I think that maybe the front should toe-in
by 1/16" instead of toe-out. (as toe out will produce more tendency to "PUSH")
By the same logic... the rear should maybe toe-out 1/16" (instead of in).
2 other things I would consider aside from the "slow in... fast out" driving
1) Perhaps those Toyo's are a bit to hard? (based on the fact that you have
noticed no change trying the full range of different pressures)
2) Also, Maybe a 3/4" or 7/8" bar maybe worth a try.
I have not tried the bigger bar you are using but was told that the biggest bar
was a handful on tighter tracks. I'll have to double check the exact size (of
mine). But I do know that I have not used the biggest bar that I have.
All, and MadMarx,
What's better the deldrin or bronze?
Or is it bronze for certain parts (control arms) and deldrin for others
Jason Ostrowski
Friendly Ghost Racing