Some musings and information:
I am looking forward to running Laguna Seca. This is to be a family event
with my sons running the TR4. Once in a lifetime opportunity for many of
Our KCUP committee is having a planning meeting on the 29th of January and
it will include Cris Vandagriff of HMSA. There should be a lot of
information that comes out of this meeting.
It's a long tow for many of us, but I know that there are already
reservations in place from Ohio and Texas. Hope to see many folks there. We
have some very special guests that have reservations made for travel and
lodging. This includes folks from the UK and Ohio.
At least one FOT plans to run the VARA event the weekend prior, at Button
Willow. I am sure there are more.
I got a call on Friday from one of the Co-Chairs of the BUTTON WILLOW
British Extravaganza and they will be extending a special invitation to the
The VARA Board of Directors will be meeting early February. On the agenda is
how they make their event very attractive to us FOT folks with long tows
from the east. We should hear about their plans very quickly following their
board meeting.
I suspect Kas & Peg will be stopping off at Button Willow enroute to Laguna
Seca, too. This seems like an great opportunity for a FOT Pre-Party
followed by a trip up the Pacific Coast Highway past the Hearst Castle and Big
Those coming in from the north will likely stop off at Infineon for the
CSRG event. Always good to have choices.
See you there.
Joe Alexander</HTML>