Great, I just don't want you to get too rusty as I will have many, many
questions for you when my dad and I start putting together our AMBRO.
In Speed and Triumph Unity,
On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 3:42 AM, Bill Babcock <> wrote:
> Absolutely Jason. More power to you.
> I've been racing one thing or another since I was fifteen years old. I've
> done it the hard way, with less than no bucks. It's just as fun. I'm not a
> silver spooner, I started with absolutely nothing and earned every nickel I
> have. I've been a lot poorer than you probably are. I don't have any problem
> remembering when I showed up in Santa Clara, CA to take a new job at a
> motorcycle shop with $39 to my name and a bunch of tools in a uhaul. Slept
> in my car until the first payday when I could rent an apartment. Other times
> I lived in my crappy van (paid $150 bucks for it) for more than a year,
> pressed my pants by sticking them under a mattress. Drove crap cars, built
> my own motorcycles and made do. Never missed a child support payment. Worked
> 14 hour days for years to build a business. Still raced.
> Right now my knuckles are skinned and my hands are filthy from rebuilding
> calipers and a grungy TR4 steering rack for a TR3 street car I'm building in
> a one and a half car garage. Trying to do it with a minimum of new parts.
> Because I can. I don't waste money just because I have it. Besides, it's
> more fun to do it yourself.
> I chose to have Horizon Racing maintain Peyote because I'm simplifying my
> life a bit. Moving from a big house and shop to a much smaller one. I don't
> have room to maintain a race car and do all the projects I have. In the
> process I discovered how nice it is to have pros take care of your car--the
> economics even work out in my case, but I did pretty much everything on my
> race cars and motorcycles for years and years. Mostly just me, and mostly
> working alone. So yeah, I've got more money now, but believe me, I
> understand.
> My points about accusumps are that they save you money. 70 bucks for a
> barebones accusump and twelve bucks for a valve can save you crank wear,
> bearings, cams, and catastrophic engine damage. I really can't think of
> anything that does more for less.
> All the best,
> Bill
> On Sep 16, 2010, at 12:20 AM, Jason Ostrowski wrote:
> > Bill,
> > Going out on a limb here.
> > All you actually need to race is a well prepped car, some way to get the
> car to the track, a cooler, some stuff to put in the cooler to eat and
> drink. Some money for an entry fee and race fuel. AND BEER. All the other
> stuff... luxuries that don't necessarily make you go any faster or have more
> fun.
> > ...
> > Wish me luck at Blachawk Farms.
> > Jason Ostrowski
> > Friendly Ghost Racing GT6