Hi Gang, I build my own after having the machine shop check the align
bore, shave the head, etc. I grind my own valves and seats and do the
assembly work.
Full disclosure: in a previous life I went to an automotive college and
worked for a decade or so as a mechanic. Have all the tools (and then some!)
and a big garage. And hundreds of drill bits and taps- let me know what you
Kaz is right, take your time and do it right. Clean everything thoroughly.
And get an accurate torque wrench; spend the money on a good one and it will
last for years. Same with dial indicators or mics.
Before you even think about firing it up, build up oil pressure. I made a
shaft to turn the oil pump after the dist and drive gear are out. Drive it
with a drill motor; works great. Pull the spark plugs and turn the engine
over with a spare starter motor. Make sure you have oil everywhere.
Then like Kaz says, there's nothing like hearing your own creation come to
Good luck, Bill----- Original Message -----
From: <toodamnfunky@comcast.net>
To: <tony@tonydrews.com>
Cc: "fot" <fot@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Fot] who builds their own engines?
> I'm with you Tony, If I had to pay for engine builds I probably wouldn't
> doing it.
> I have learned how not to build them a couple timesB but with advice
> fromB your
> website, Kas, FoT, Ken G of BFEB and Fred Hodgson of Auto Wizards I'm
> better.
> My background has been in small & big block chevy's but as I found out
> hard way
> there is very little that translates to our little tactor motors.
> Without these resources it would take years and lots of money in blown
> to get it right.
> Jim G.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: tony@tonydrews.com
> To: fot@autox.team.net
> Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:26:25 PM GMT -07:00 Chihuahua / La Paz /
> Subject: Re: [Fot] who builds their own engines?
> I build my own engines - learned the ropes from uncle jack (Dad). B If
> I had to pay for that I would have a hard time affording the hobby.
> But, I've cost myself quite a bit due to stupid mistakes too. B I put
> together web pages detailing jack's engine building tips as well as a
> couple of pictorials from my last couple of teardown / rebuilds to try
> to help out others who are trying to do it themselves. B Of course,
> Kas's books are invaluable!
> I'm not pushing my site, just reminding folks that this resource is out
> there.
> http://www.tonydrews.com/uncle_jacks_engine_building_tips.htm
> I've done the tranny, overdrive, rear diff and all wiring too.
> But, I have a knack for that kind of thing too - some folks just
> aren't cut out to rebuild engines and transmissions. B No knock to
> them, you need to have your brain wired a certain way for that stuff
> to make sense, I think.
> - Tony Drews
> Quoting Bill Bartlett <BillBartlett@wingnutracing.com>:
> > Curiosity
> > Just wondering how many racers build their own engines vs have them
> > professionally built and prepped?
> > Bill B
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