On Wed, 27 May 2009, George Harmuth wrote:
> Limerock's Fall Vintage festival is fun. Labor day weekend, repaved track,
> nice turn out of cars. Do this event and head to the Glen for the next
> weekend, spend the week between at the Finger Lakes wineries.
Do they really let plebian cars like Triumphs play that at the Lime Rock
Vintage Festival???
This is a serious question.
I thought the answer was no, but I could be wrong.
> June 15th is the cutoff date for entries.
> Contact info
> Jeanette Veitenheimer
> Vintage Festival
> Lime Rock Park
> Vintagefestival@limerock.com
Bob Lang NER/SCCA | This space for rent
Solo Chair 2008 TR6 40 F Prepared | Triumph!
Voice:781-438-2568 FAX: 617-258-9535 | Cell: 339-927-4489
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