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Re: [Fot] Macau Spitfire

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Fot] Macau Spitfire
From: michael cook <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 15:40:54 -0500
Hello all-

Not to promote too hard, but we had a feature cover story by Paul Richardson
about the replica Macau Spitfire in The Vintage Triumph several issues ago.

Mike Cook> From:> Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 10:58:28 -0500>
To:> Subject: [Fot] Macau Spitfire> > Amici...> > The
December issue of Triumph World has an article about a recently > completed,
and classy replica of the Macau Spitfire. Replica or not, it's a beautiful >
car and the result of a seventeen year labor of love by Bernard Robinson, the
> editor of The Courier magazine for the Triumph Sports Six Club. The article
> reminded me that in the late 1980s I saw the original one off Macau (or what
> was left of it) advertised for sale at a Texas exotic car dealership >
(somethinorother Junction). It was described as an ex-Kastner hybrid. At the
time, I > was sure interested, but Texas was far away, and at the time I had
seven places > for every nickel I had, and for some I didn't have. I always
wondered what > happened to it. According to the article it has been moving
around, including > some time in a private collection in Switzerland. Neat
looking car, with > exotic body work.> > Another article in the same issue
that caught my eye was about a late 1950s > Standard Atlas caravan entitled
the Little Blue Bus. We'd call it a mini-Van. > Its blue and white Triumph
shield is referred to as the 'open book' badge, > and is stretched to at least
twice its normal width, with no added height. This > supposedly befitting the
Atlas' ample nose bonnet. It appears to have a > speedometer and no other
gauges. Looks like it would seat nine people, but I > don't know if they'd get
to go anywhere because it has Standard Ten running gear, > which means a 948cc
engine. Wow. Later an Atlas Major was offered, with a > 1700cc Ensign engine.>
> Bill Dentinger> > > > **************> AOL Search: Your one stop for
directions, recipes and > all other Holiday needs. Search Now. >
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