My hubs are not related to SNG Barrett's. I was not aware of theirs.
Can anyone elaborate on their design? Mine use a sealed double row ball
bearing like you would find in a common front wheel drive hub. The
wheel flange presses into the ID of the bearing then the drive axle goes
through the splined hole in the wheel flange with a big nut on the
outside. The bearings are housed in custom machined steel hubs that
bolt into the trailing arms. Should be bullet proof.
I am currently looking into offering the same hub with heavy duty
u-joint axles in lieu of the CV's for a lower cost option.
Richard Good
Good Parts wrote:
>It was asked:
>>BTW, does anyone know if Richard's hubs are
>>related to the old SNG Barrett hubs?
>I don't know if they're "related", but I certainly hope they're not identical.
>I ran two races with the SNG Barrett CV set-up in my TR6 a few years
>back, and decided to try something else when one failed -- sending the
>car into an airborne 360-degree flat spin that gave me an excellent
>view of my departed left rear wheel as it rolled merrily into the weeds.
>Jim Hill
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