Description: TR3A/TR4 Rear Spring & Shackle Bronze Bushing Kit.
Discussion: Helps locate the rear axle to reduce or eliminate 'rear steer'
or provides a lifetime replacement to those old rubber bushings that are 40-50
year old and frequently ignored.
I have assembled about 10 kits, at the moment, with immediate plans for a
total of 25 kits..
Kit content is four bronze bushings sized for the springs and frame mounts.
There are 16 steel (zinc plated) washers to be used as spacers with the
Comparable kits offered with composite bushings claim that this improves rear
axle location while eliminating the need for the more complex and heavier
Panhard Rod.
I think so. I have run this set up for 15 years and installing a second set
on my AMBRO Project.
I will send these intial kits out to the FoT for $30, including shipping,
before I offer to a larger market at retail.
I will be leaving for Dallas (VTR) on Wednesday, but can ship on Monday and
Tuesday of next week if I have names and addresses. Payment is your choice. Kit
is returnable, for any reason.
Joe Alexander