Joe Boruch wrote:
>Bob, aside from the problems you note, I wonder what this will do for
>heat transfer. It may prevent rust, but will it decrease heat
>transfer or in the long run with less corrosion will heat xfer be
>increased? Time may tell. Joe(B)
As for corrosion, at least according to the heat transfer tables I've
read, rust is a plus. In fact, the metal with the highest rate of heat
transfer off the surface, bar none, is rusty cast iron. The rust and
pitting creates a large amount of surface area. Aluminum has a better
transfer through the material, but not off the surface.
For that reason, the coating would be a definite problem on the outside
of the liners, not to mention the problem the coating would create in
fitting them.
Sounds like someone at LA Sleeve screwed up. This stuff may work great
at its intended purpose, but is impossible to remove without some
parting agent applied first. I'll bet someone didn't read the directions
first--the sleeves likely should have been oiled first and the
corrosion-protection material applied on top of that.
Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM
Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....